
Thursday, August 27, 2009

Be Careful What You Tweet For

Yes, as usual we aren't safe anywhere. Even in the secluded west bumblefuck region of (enter state here). It is all thanks to the digital age, and of course the narcissistic nature of the world. Yea, I'm talking to almost everyone, it just enthralls you to have everyone know how trashed you were every night this week and that you're life is one big party. Don't get me wrong I enjoy my fair share of partying as well, but updating every second of your life on facebook and twitter is just a little, eh. I mean I've also actually heard people say "let's remember to take pictures for facebook!" How about taking pictures for memories? Once again though I'm going off topic. This obsession with the want for the world to know your business is just increasing your chances of some sort of criminal activity against you. You want to share that you're having a great time in the Bahamas? Go ahead, when that random scumbag friend sees it, don't be too surprised when you're robbed. Okay, so the chances are somewhat minimal, but compared to the pre-internet world, a stranger would have no idea when you're not home and possibly even your address. Did I mention the random guys talking with little girls who are actually sex offenders? No I did not. This world if full of fucked up people who can easily lie about who they are just by typing. You never know who is watching you, now you may never know who's watching you behind a computer screen.

here's an article: http://gawker.com/5346635/facebook-twitter-make-you-easy-prey

"pffff three packs a day? I'm up to a carton, I'm gonna be just like cancer!"
"But no one likes cancer."
"Yah, but at least everyone will know me."


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