
Monday, September 14, 2009


What's up everyone. Did anyone see the VMA's last night? I didn't catch it, but it doesn't matter because MTV doesn't play music videos anymore, so I'm sure the videos wouldn't be familiar. Not to mention I hardly ever watch tv.

But it so happens that I was watching something else on tv last night. It was a movie with some of the best actors of our time; Catch Me If You Can with Leo D and Tom Hanks (everything he says is funny! haha) If you ever saw the movie, it's based on a true story about a kid who literally stole millions of dollars by creating phony checks (played by Leo Dicaprio) and Tom Hanks plays the FBI agent who tries to capture him. It's dramatic at times but the seriousness sometimes can come off as tongue-in-cheek which just shows how great of actors those two really are. Oh and not to mention that Christopher Walken is in it who's another living legend. It's amazing that there are people in the world who can just get away with pretty much anything. I feel like if I just ran a stop sign I would get caught haha well not really, but if you ever get to watching a movie sometime definitely check that one out.

Other great movies you should watch w/ the same actors: The Beach, Gangs of New York, Saving Private Ryan, Forrest Gump and also check out Joe Dirt and Pulp Fiction. Walken is in both those movies


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